Our Profile
Makassan Care is a registered organisation that has been approved to provide services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia.
The Makassan Care is an initiative by UMNT, a non profit, Community services center in the Greater Darwin region established to cater for the needs of the NT Community. It consists of team of experts with extensive backgrounds in social work, charity, and disability care. Most of the Makkasan care staff have personal stories to tell as a result of their interactions with people of varying ages and abilities. We believe our experience and knowledge in this field allow us to better understand the struggles of individuals who are in a similar position.
We better understand our customers’ preferences and go an extra mile to meet their needs.

What Exactly is the NDIS?
The NDIS or National Disability Insurance Scheme is a component of the larger National Disability Strategy which is a long term plan of improving the lives of Australians with disability.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides support to people with disability and their families. NDIS has a broader role in helping people with disability to access mainstream services such as health, housing, education, employment, community access, innovative community participation and more.
Eligible participants of the NDIS will receive funded support with a plan that focuses on providing opportunities to utilize services in order for participants to achieve their desired life goals.